Monday, April 12, 2010


Our weekend was not too exciting.  I got some sorty of food poisoning and was sick Friday and Saturday.   It was not fun but I really did not get a chance to think about being sick because Addie had 2 birthday parties to attend on Saturday.  The first party we went to was a princess party.  I am sad that I did not get any pictures but Addie was so cute in her princess gear!  She had a great time at the party and was excited to play with the girls from her class!  Sunday morning, Addie's class sang in church.  Again, she did not sing but she smiled a lot this time....definitely an  improvement!  On Sunday afternoon, we took Addie to get ice cream. Grady got a taste of it and was furious when we took it away.  He is extremely laid back until you take food away from him!  He suddenly loses his cool...could be a little like his daddy!!!  Addie was very sweet and shared with him.  We then went to Home Depot and Grady was able to ride in the car with Addie.  She was excited until he tried to steer her wheel...not so happy then!

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