Sunday, December 14, 2008


Addie loves our cat Mao (O'Malley). She always wants to hold him and love on him. The problem is, he does not love her back. He runs when he sees her and may swat her from time to time. However this particular morning she managed to inch herself behind him and "hold him" in her lap. She gave him her blankie which is a true sign of her love!
Addie has also discovered popcorn! It has actually worked out well for me because it buys me at least an hour in Target! It is the cheapest entertainment I have found!
Here are a couple of Addie dressed up for Christmas pictures. When she puts on a "fancy" dress, she loves to go show her daddy and have him tell her how pretty she is. It is so cute!

Our family rooting for the Aggies and the Owls!
Addie and Mommy....Addie would say, "Oh my mama!"

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