Thursday, July 9, 2009


We have had a fun past couple of weeks. Addie and I went to San Antonio to see Dr. Cox and had a great visit. I am finished with 34 weeks today and have about 4 to go! Dr. Cox is going to induce around 38 weeks...which sounds great to me! It is hard to believe that in 2 weeks, I will be considered full term!!!! I am getting really excited but have started having a little anxiety about Addie's world as she knows it changing. I may be a little naive but I am not worried about taking care of a newborn and a toddler...I think Addie is going to be a great help and a wonderful big sister. I just hope that she does not feel sad or that she is being replaced. She has been the focus of our world for the past 2 plus years and words can not explain how much Bryan and I love her and how proud of what a wonderful and smart little girl she has become!

Addie and Daddy playing in the sprinkler.

Addie has been getting better at following directions and listening to us. She is always the first to toot her own horn when she does do something correctly. She was getting bad about throwing her cup or trash on the floor when she was finished. After many days of correcting her and maybe a few timeouts, she now gives things to me and says, "Mommy I not throw it on the ground...yea!!!" She is now speaking in complete sentences and adds new words to her vocabulary daily. I now tell her that it is about bedtime or about time to leave somewhere and she says, "Mommy I play a minute?" However she will ask for many minutes in a row. She has also started asking me if she can "rock a minute" before bed. She loves to share with Mommy and Daddy and would gladly give us her last two pieces of candy before eating them herself. She loves almonds and popsicles and has discovered her mommy's love of peanut butter m&m's! She is very polite and always says please, thank you, and excuse me.

Our friends Andy and Amy brought their 22 month old daughter Adlee to visit for 4th of July weekend. We had a great time with them and it was great to watch the girls play together. The girls really enjoyed going to the lake. They loved jumping into the water and Andy got his exercise by throwing them up into the air and catching them. We went to Mexico for dinner one night and got a babysitter one night so we could go see Gary P Nunn. Kiki was here too and Addie was devastated to see her leave on Sunday. She definitely has a special love for Kiki.

Addie still loves her babies and this baby had to have a purple flower in her hair yesterday. The baby does not have hair so we had to improvise with scotch tape. She then had to show me how to hold the baby like a tiny baby. When she brought me the baby she said, "Mommy this baby looks dorable." She has never said adorable before and it was so cute!!! Don't ask about the glasses...I do not of her many accessories.
She has also turned into a little fashionista. Every morning and night she has to "pick someking out meself." She wants to pick out everything from her panties to her bow and shoes. This has at times been disasterous but I can usually sway her into getting into the dress and bowthat I want her to wear...she usually wins the shoe battle. This was one of the days we were not leaving the house so she had free choice...nice! She had on everything from pajamas to tights to a fur vest...and then topped it off with a backpack.


Kristin Stockton said...

Oh my gosh, I love that outfit!!! What a disaster! This post brought a little tear to my eye!! I love Addie, too!

JimKels said...

she is so adorable. I totally freaked out about Wesleigh's world changing before Ethan came, but he did ok. You are a wonderful mother and will settle into a nice balance of sharing all the love you will have for both of them!! It is hard to believe that you will take the same amount of love you guys feel for Addie and do it all over again the minute you lay eyes on your new little one!! It will be wonderful!!! We've been missing y'all!!! Hope to see y'all next week! I can't believe you are so close to popping!! I'm ready to meet the new little one! Although, I'm not sure Ethan is ready to give up his place as the playgroup baby just yet!! :-)