Saturday, April 24, 2010

8 months old

Grady is 8 months old!  He is a crazy little guy.  He absolutely worships Addie.  She is the only person that can really make him laugh...he goes crazy when she pays attention to him!  He is up on his hands and knees and is starting to get around.  He scoots his bottom into the air and pushed forward.  He is putting everything in his mouth...which is much more nerve racking this time around.  Addie is always leaving things laying around!  His third tooth popped through on Saturday.  It is on top...but I am not sure which tooth it is yet!  He still eats anything.  He loses his cool whenever he sees us eating and he does not have anything.  We went to Luby's last week and he ate macaroni and cheese and green beans and I am pretty sure he ate more than Addie did.  He has gained a lot of weight recently and is definitely getting some chunks!  He is sleeping 12 hours at night again but is still only sleeping in 45 minute increments during the day.  He is still a happy guy and will still happily go to anyone who wants to hold him!  That is the biggest difference between him and Addie!  It amazes me!  He fusses a bit when I walk out of the room but he stops if Addie walks into the room!   He is still a little snuggler but he is starting to want a little more independence :(  He is great at sucking out of a straw but is still having a little trouble holding his own sippy cup.  My favorite thing is when I go get him in the morning.  As soon as I open the door, his little feet start kicking and he starts cute!  Here are a few pictures of the handsome guy!

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