Thursday, September 16, 2010

13 months old

Grady man is 13 months old now!  He is a crazy guy and continues to get into everything.  He takes steps here and there and has walked across a room a couple of times.  He has finally started saying a few words!  He says mama, dada, hi, Addie, whoa, uh oh, and the last time we were in SA, he started saying Baboo...very is more like Baa booooooo.  He blows kisses but usually does so from his ear??  He knows where his nose and belly button are.  He is very attached to his pacifier and blanket and if you ask him to go find them, he will.  He loves to get Addie's books and tear pages out.  He throws fits when he doesn't get his way.  His feelings don't seem to get hurt as much anymore...he just gets mad and yells.  He loves to play in Addie's closet.  He tries to put her shoes on and will play in there forever (until she kicks him out).  He cried the first week when we left Addie at school...he looks around for her everywhere while she is gone.  He has finally gotten used to going to the gym without her and does really well!

He weighs 22 pounds and is 30 1/4 inches long.  He is in the 50th percentile across the board.  He is not as great of an eater as he used to be.  He loves fruit, cheese, waffles, nutrigrain bars and smoothies.  He does not care for meat and pasta as much as he used to.  Grady, we love you so much and every day with you is an adventure! 

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