Thursday, April 21, 2011

Way too Fast

It is so hard for me to believe that my little girl is 4 years old today.  It seems like yesterday, I was checking into Methodist Hospital (by myself).  Not long after, I was holding the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen!   Two days later, we checked out of the hospital...drove through chick fil a and headed home to Del Rio.  We stopped in Uvalde so I could feed Addie and change her diaper.  When I took her diaper off, she pottied all over me (both kinds)!  Definitely something I will never forget.  Fast forward four years and we have a beautiful girl full of personality, spunk, and as smart as can be.  She makes us laugh every day and we are so proud to be her parents! 
**she has decided that this year she wants swimsuits with "broths and panties"
**she says ant instead of aren't..."I am a good drawer, ant I"
**she tells us she loves us at least 100 times a day - she is so sweet
**she says when she grows up she wants to be a mommy...although today she said she wanted to write stories...
**she loves books and is dying to learn to read.  she knows all of her letter sounds and a few words as well - I am sure she will be reading in no time!
**she loves to sleep with me and ends up in bed with us every night...we are too lazy to put her back in her room
**she loves to sing and dance...she loves ballet and her teacher says she is one of the best dancers in her class! 
**she takes ballet once a week and gymnastics once a week
**she loves school and worships her teacher...her teacher loves addie as well...she says Addie is the only one she can joke around with!
**she loves to play games on our iphones and would play them all day long if we let her...
**she is into picking out her own clothes...we usually settle on picking out her shoes
**she worships her daddy but is still a wee bit of a mommy's girl!
**she would be happy if I did not ever make her eat..although her favorites are macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, grilled cheese, oranges, steak, and cheese
**she loves chocolate icecream
**she loves to chew gum and is very responsible with it
**she is defintely my little helper and is always trying to please us
**she loves to help Grady and definitely loves to boss him around
**she says she wants a little sister named Jewel
**she loves playing with her friends and has become a lot more independent when doing so
**she watched her first Disney movie a few months ago and has since watched a ton of them
Addie girl, you are more than I could ever hope for.  You make me want to be a better mom every day.  I love you to the moon and back fa-evah!!  I wish you would please stop getting older and stay little forever!  Daddy and I love you so much...more than you will ever know!

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