Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby News

I am about 4 1/2 months pregnant now and we went to the doctor today for our big sonogram. Unfortunately, Bryan stood his ground and we did not find out the sex of the baby. We were at the doctor from 9:30 until noon and Addie was wonderful....except she was very nervous that they were hurting me! She kept the nurses and waiting room laughing...I went to use the restroom and she asked Bryan, rather loudly, if mommy went poo poo. Bryan, of course, laughs and has her repeat it 100 times. So when I walk back into the room, everyone is giggling at me. And it happened again when I left to go get my blood drawn. Why do I feel like I am raising two little kids???? The baby looked great...10 fingers and 10 toes and long legs! We also watched "it" have the hiccups while I was getting the sonogram. Here are 2 pictures from today.
In the second picture, the baby's mouth is was opening and closing. Also in the second picture, there are two black circles in the belly. The one on top is the heart and the bottom one is the stomach. The stomach is full...which means the baby is swallowing amniotic fluid...which is good. I told Bryan that I think the baby is a boy...he refuses to take a guess. Leave a comment and tell me what you think it is!!!


Kristin Stockton said...

I think it's a boy, too. Mostly because I want you to have a boy, but also I have a premonition.

Always A New Day said...

Love your post!! I am predicting another girl :) No reason why...just feel it!

Poppy said...

I think that Addie will have a little sister.

Cindy Low said...

It looks so much like Bryan that it must be a boy. However, a sister for Addie would be a blessing to her and there's plenty of time to have a couple of boys!!!

Coco said...

How has this pregnancy been compared to your previous one? My first one was so easy and the second one was VERY different and very hard. As you know, I had a girl the first time and then a boy! The doctors told me that when the pregnancies are so different that usually means different sexes!