Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Addie and I are homebound this week...we have officially started potty training. Today is day 3 and I see a slight glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I was extremely naive at the beginning of this process and thought that my child would be the one who "got it" right away and we would be out and about in no time. Day one was ok, day 2 was absolutely miserable and we both shed tears, and today was back to ok. I am a little worried about tomorrow! As of right now, she has not had an accident in 8 hours...but she is out of my sight for the first time all day and playing with her daddy in his truck!

Although being homebound has tons of disadvantages, it has given us plenty of time to learn new things! Addie now knows all of her colors and points them out all of the time. She is also almost able to count from 1 to 10. It is really cute to hear her say the numbers....I'll try to get it on video soon!

Here are a couple of pictures from the past few weeks. Addie loves to ride the 4 wheeler with daddy and she also loves wearing a coat????? The last one is from yesterday in her big girl panties. Like I said, it was a rough smiles!

1 comment:

Coco said...

Isn't potty training fun?! We never stayed homebound. My little trick is the car potty! I really have a potty in the back of my car. When they have to go, I can pull into a parking lot and they go in the car! It has saved me lots of accidents! And lots of headaches when my second one was born! I found it was so hard to get both kids out to go potty. With the car potty, one kids stays buckled in while the other one goes potty!
Good Luck!