Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3 weeks old

Grady is three weeks old! It is hard to believe...it seems like just yesterday we brought him home. However, it seems like he has always been with us. He is starting to wake up and he has definitely found his voice. When he is hungry, he lets us know!!! The past two nights, he has slept from 8:30 to 2:30 and then until 5:30 or 6. He is definitely letting me get some sleep. He loves to watch the ceiling lights and fans, he can take or leave the pacifier, and he loves to look around for Addie when he hears her voice. That is really cute to see...although he is probably thinking "why hasn't anyone told her that she doesn't always need to talk so loudly???" He went to church for the first time on Sunday and was very good. Hopefully he will stay low maintenance...right now he just loves to be loved!

I got my first bath today! My mom was so happy that my belly button finally fell off! I was not sure what to think about it...the warm water was kind of nice.

Addie insisted on sharing her new blanket...I am sure she will use this picture as blackmail one day!

1 comment:

JimKels said...

Oh, I LOVE the pink blanket picture!! too stinkin' cute! He is growing up too quickly!! You better slow him down! I can't wait to see you guys again. I'm glad Addie's first day went well. I hope she has a great year.