Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Month

Mr. Grady is a month old! He has started giving us occaisonal smiles. The first time he gave us a real smile (not a gas one) was on Friday night. Addie was in the bathtub and Grady and I were sitting beside it. She looked out and said, "hey grady man" in her high pitched voice and he gave her a huge grin. It was too cute!

Here is what Grady is up to at one month:

*he likes to be held more and has figured out that if he cries, he will most likely get picked up

*he is a great eater and is not really ok with me waiting 3 hours in between feedings! his cheeks
are definitely getting chunkier!

*he sleeps great at night...one night last week he slept for 6 hours...that was a treat for me!

*he loves for me to carry him in the sling- he is definitely a snuggler!

*he watches the ceiling fan and lights

*he will sleep through anything - he went to his first party on saturday night and slept through all of the noise...including the band!

*he spits up a TON! i told bryan that i am going to have to wear old tshirts every day because I am constantly covered in spit up. Addie loves it because she loves to clean off his mouth! Addie did not spit up a lot so this is new for me...I never really understood the burp cloth thing until recently!

*He is adored by his mommy, daddy and big sister!!! Here are a few pictures of Grady at one month.

"Oh great...here we go again with this crazy lady flashing bright lights in my face."
"I'll think about smiling if you put that big black flashing thing away."
"Is this smile good enough for you? I didn't think so."

"Ok lady, this is the most you are getting from me today!"


Always A New Day said...

He is so sweet and looks like his mama!!!

Coco said...

What a great update and oh so cute pics of Grady! I love the one month sign with Grady in his bed! Adorable!