Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Last week, a friend came over to take some pictures of Addie and Grady.  She did a wonderful job and I thought I would share some of the pictures.  Bryan was not home and I was not planning on being in the pictures but I am glad that I was...somehow I am always the picture taker!  Grady is 10 weeks old and still "such a good boy" as Addie says.  We are off to San Antonio tomorrow.  Grady has an appointment for his two month shots and check up.  Mavis, Aiden and Harper are meeting us for the weekend!!!  I am so excited to see them again and meet Harper! 


Kristin Stockton said...

I love all of the pictures! So pretty and so handsome!!

Libbie Hill said...

Those are precious! The "little Nikis" are too cute and growing so fast :)