Monday, October 5, 2009

Lots of smiles

These smiles melt my heart every day!

There is something about this little guy that I can not get enough of. When I set him down , he stares at me with his cuteness and waits for me to look at him...and then smiles. It is too much and it gets me and I pick him up again! I love every nuzzle, every grin, and every snuggle in the middle of the night. Those late night snuggles are beginning to disappear. This little guy slept from 8 last night until 5:30 this morning and then until 9! That was the longest stretch of sleep that I have had in many months!!!

My days are rough....

This little princess has become quite the little drama queen. She argues with 90% of the things that I say...and she is only 2! I told her today that we were going to the park and she whined, "I don't want to go to the park." What child does not want to go to the park??? So I said - ok we won't go and I hear, "But I waaaaaannnnt to go to the park." This afternoon when she went to take a nap, I read her stories and gave her kisses and hugs and she said "I love you mommy and you are my best friend." It was very sweet but last night we heard, " I need to wear that shirt to bed because it is my best friend." "I need more strawberries because they are my best friends." "I need to color in this coloring book because it is my best friend forever." So it makes me feel good to know that I am right up there with a shirt, strawberries and a coloring book.

1 comment:

Libbie Hill said...

I miss those late night snuggles... but I am glad for the sleep! So sweet!!!